How does one begin?
A fitting question to start a blog I posit.
I am James Dobson and this is my space to vocalise thoughts, emotions and queries I have to, and within this world we all inhabit.
It is here where, despite a lack of presence or pretence, I shall expose the machinations of my mind and the depths of how my psyche operates.
My first thought of today harkens to a thought I had a few weeks prior to this point that is “What is a question?” the answer I received to this being “That's a question.” To which I was entertained at the response.
But it got me thinking of the nature of questions and that it is through them that we are able to confirm the existence of others. They allow information to come to be, to allow an understanding between peoples. Where once no understanding was, they are a fantastic addition to our language, one that can never be overstated enough for existence itself.
And so I posit a question to a blog, one that cannot be answered, but one I shall nevertheless attempt to start a dialogue with regardless of the back and forth that usually occurs in a conversation. A one way question, one posited to myself to thinking upon.
How does one begin?
In this case it is intentionally vauge, as I wanted to explore the state of starting a project, rather than just the specific instance I intended when beginning this post.
In a new chapter of my life, how do I begin that chapter? What aspects make up a great story and how does one apply those facets to have an equally interesting and grand lifestory.
The concept of a lifestory is one I just thought of, and it is one that is fairly self explanatory, it's the storyline of ones life, we are the writers of our own duration and it's up to us to make these stories as riveting as they can be, we owe it to ourselves.
I can think of no fitting response to this question at this time, my first response to it would be “Just start and then the rest will fall into place in time.” But what of the abandonment of a beginning, where does that story even lead, it doesn't get a middle, just an end, and that's quite sad when you think about it. But then again, I suppose the abandonment of an idea, still has a storyline in itself, but that process is rarely documented. Not ever have I seen a documentation detailing someones negligence or lack of will to follow-through an idea.
As that itself is a continuation of the idea I suppose.
Which is an interesting point, an abandoned beginning still has a story, so what's to say every instance of everything doesn't have a story. It's just about beginning something, the act of creating, and then the universe already put in some aspect of how it's told.
By simply making something exist, existence adds to it's story.
Whether it be a setting, a timeline or a way it's received, every story gets a setting, every idea gets a framework to exist within.
Thank you existence for your continued input into our stories.
How does a beginning start?
By asking a question, and making the answer yourself, alongside the world you inhabit.